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Awards and Nominations

SRA President and Past President

The Society recognizes outstanding contributions to the Society and to the science of risk analysis through seven award programs and a special category of membership, Fellow. The awardees are selected by a committee of SRA Past Presidents and approved by the Council. Any member can nominate a person for an award by contacting the awards committee chair. The Risk Analysis journal also gives Best Paper Awards at the annual meeting. Awardees are generally recognized annually; more than one person can be recognized in the same year. The awardees since the founding of the Society are listed below (the first awards were given in 1984, four years after the founding).

Distinguished Achievement Award

Awarded to any person for extraordinary achievement in science or public policy relating to risk analysis.

  • 2023: Terje Aven
  • 2022: Jack Fowle 
  • 2021: Roger McClellan and Sven-Ove Hansson
  • 2020: Anthony S. Fauci
  • 2019: Rae Zimmerman
  • 2018: Kimberly Thompson
  • 2017:Akihiro Tokai
  • 2016: Elke Weber and Charles Haas
  • 2015: James K. Hammitt
  • 2014: Elaine Faustman
  • 2013: Daniel Krewski 
  • 2012: Detlof von Winterfeld 
  • 2011: Roger M. Cooke
  • 2010: Paul Portney
  • 2009: Kenneth Arrow
  • 2008: Joanna Burger and John Graham
  • 2007: Vicki Bier
  • 2006: Roger Kasperson
  • 2005: Ortwin Renn
  • 2004: Kenny Crump
  • 2003: Michael Greenberg
  • 2002: Elizabeth Paté-Cornell
  • 2001: Howard Kunreuther and Suresh Moolgavkar
  • 2000: Yacov Y. Haimes
  • 1999: Bernard D. Goldstein
  • 1998: Lester B. Lave
  • 1997: Arthur C. Upton
  • 1996: Stanley Kaplan
  • 1995: M. Granger Morgan
  • 1994: B. John Garrick
  • 1993: Richard Wilson
  • 1992: Sheila Jasanoff
  • 1991: Baruch Fischhoff and Paul Slovic
  • 1990: Norman C. Rasmussen
  • 1989: William D. Ruckelshaus
  • 1987: Gilbert F. White
  • 1986: Sir Reginald Farmer
  • 1985: Alexander Hollander
  • 1984: Roy E. Albert, Howard Raiffa, and Chauncey Starr

Richard J. Burk Outstanding Service Award

Awarded to a member of the Society for extraordinary service to the Society that deserves special recognition.

  • 2023: Seth Guikema​
  • 2022: Dong Chun
  • 2021: John Lathrop and Margot Kattschreuter
  • 2020: Amber Jessup
  • 2019: Pamela Williams
  • 2018: Karen Lowrie and Louis Anthony Cox, Jr.
  • 2017: Kuen-Yu Wu
  • 2016: Elizabeth Nunes Alves, Ullrika Sahlin and Naomi Cogger
  • 2015: Rae Zimmerman
  • 2014: Alison Cullen, Daniela Leonte and Jonathan Wiener
  • 2013: Michael Greenberg and Lisa Robinson
  • 2012: Suresh Moolgavkar 
  • 2011: Richard and Sue Burk
  • 2010: Jo Anne Shatkin
  • 2009: Mary Walchuk, Genevieve S. Roessler and Sharon R. Hebl
  • 2008: Steve Lewis and Rick Reiss
  • 2007: James Butler
  • 2006: Ragnar Löfstedt
  • 2005: Stanley Levinson
  • 2004: Gail Charnley
  • 2003: Richard Belzer
  • 2002: Timothy McDaniels
  • 2001: James Wilson
  • 2000: Vicki Bier and Detlof von Winterfeldt
  • 1999: Robin Cantor
  • 1998: Paul F. Deisler, Jr.
  • 1997: Elizabeth Anderson
  • 1996: Larry R. Froebe, P. J. “Bert” Hakkinen and Harlee S. Strauss
  • 1995: Saburo Ikeda
  • 1994: Lorraine Abbott and Raymond F. Boykin
  • 1993: Peter B. Hutt
  • 1992: Robert B. Cumming
  • 1991: George Apostolakis and Ann N. Fisher
  • 1990: Howard G. Kunreuther, Pieter-Jan Stallen and Chris G. Whipple
  • 1988: Fred D. Hoerger
  • 1987: Anthony R. Buhl and Steven Swanson
  • 1986: Vincent T. Covello
  • 1984: Curtis C. Travis

Outstanding Practitioner Award

Awarded to a member of the Society for outstanding risk analysis practice. This award typically alternates between recognizing public and private practitioners.

  • 2023: Aliya Sassi
  • 2022: Robin Cantor 
  • 2021: Lisa A. Robinson
  • 2020: Richard Forshee and Tom Burke
  • 2019: Helen M. Goeden
  • 2018: Richard Reiss
  • 2017: Cristina McLaughlin
  • 2016: Regis Pouillot
  • 2015: Jo Anne Shatkin
  • 2014: Igor Linkov
  • 2013: Edmund Crouch
  • 2012: Todd Bridges
  • 2011: Herman J. Gibb
  • 2010: Michael Bolger
  • 2009: Lorenz Rhomberg
  • 2008: Lauren Zeise
  • 2007: Tony Cox
  • 2006: Annie Jarabek
  • 2005: Joe Rodricks
  • 2004: Allewyne (Nell) Ahl
  • 2003: Charles Menzie
  • 2002: William Farland
  • 2001: Robert Budnitz
  • 2000: Christopher J. Portier
  • 1999: D. Warner North
  • 1998: Peter Preuss
  • 1997: Dennis Paustenbach
  • 1996: Penelope Fenner-Crisp

Chauncey Starr Distinguished Young Risk Analyst Award

Awarded to any member of the Society age 40 years or younger for outstanding achievement in science or public policy relating to risk analysis and exceptional promise for continued contributions to risk analysis.

  • 2023: Zachary Collier
  • 2023: Roshanak Nateghi
  • 2022: Ben Trump
  • 2021: Janet Yang
  • 2020: Roger Flage
  • 2019: Jun Zhuang
  • 2018: Aliya Sassi
  • 2017: Robyn Wilson
  • 2016: Emma Hartnett
  • 2015: Pia‐Johanna Schweizer & Abani Pradhan
  • 2014: Julie Goodman
  • 2013: Mark Borsuk
  • 2012: Jonathan Levy
  • 2011: Alberto Alemanno
  • 2010: Seth Guikema
  • 2009: Pamela Williams
  • 2008: Katherine McComas
  • 2007: Felicia Wu
  • 2006: Joseph Arvai
  • 2005: Igor Linkov
  • 2004: Kimberly Thompson
  • 2003: Jonathan Wiener
  • 2002: Alison Cullen
  • 2001: Richard Reiss
  • 2000: Ragnar Lofsted
  • 1999: H. Christopher Frey
  • 1998: Adam Finkel
  • 1997: Ann Bostrom
  • 1997: Hank C. Jenkins-Smith

Distinguished Educator Award

Awarded annually to any teacher, author, or mentor who has contributed substantially to the training of new experts in risk analysis.

  • 2023: Jun Zhuang​
  • 2022: Vicki Bier
  • 2021: Gerd Gigerenzer
  • 2020: Ann Bostrom
  • 2019: Igor Linkov
  • 2018: Ragnar Ernst Lofstedt
  • 2017: Scott Ferson
  • 2016: Tim McDaniels
  • 2015: Michael Siegrist
  • 2014: Alison Cullen
  • 2013: Mitch Small
  • 2012: Richard Wilson
  • 2011: Dale Hattis
  • 2010: Yacov Haimes
  • 2009: M. Granger Morgan
  • 2008: David Hassenzahl
  • 2007: John Evans

Presidential Recognition Award

Awarded (at the current President’s discretion) in recognition of dedication to SRA and efforts to improve and enhance the Society’s functioning and governance, activities and programs, and visibility and vitality around the world.

  • 2022: Terje Aven, Pia-Johanna Schweizer, Robyn Wilson, Seth Guikema
  • 2020: Terje Aven, Mariana Cains and Tom Logan
  • 2019: Frederic Bouder, Charles Haas and Jo Anne Shatkin
  • 2018: Yasunobu Maeda & Shoji Tshuchida
  • 2017: Sandra Seno-Alday, Marja Ylonen, Rui Gaspar and Silvia Luis
  • 2016: Jose Palma Oliveira
  • 2015: David Drupa
  • 2012: Jacqueline Patterson
  • 2008: Robin Cantor & Javier Urbina-Soria
  • 2006: Betty Anderson
  • 1998: Richard and Sue Burk
  • 1997: Stephen L. Brown

Society for Risk Analysis/Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer

Awarded to a prominent member of the Society who is then promoted for periodic lectureship through the Sigma Xi organization.

  • 2020: Bernard D. Goldstein
  • 2019: David Oryang
  • 2017: Seda Kundak
  • 2015: Jennifer Kuzma
  • 2011: Elaine M. Faustman
  • 2009: Greg Paoli
  • 2008: Felicia Wu
  • 2007: Felicia Wu
  • 2006: Adam Finkel
  • 2005: Adam Finkel
  • 2004: Kimberly Thompson
  • 2003: Kimberly Thompson
  • 2002: Gail Charnley

View the Fellows of the SRA