Sunday, December 4, 2022 with Peg Coleman, John Lathrop and Rob Waller (1PM-5PM)
The Applied Risk Management Specialty Group (ARMSG), led by John Lathrop and Robert Waller, partnered with risk practitioners spanning the full spectrum of risk analysis topics from assessment to communication, management, and governance to develop a unique tool, the Risk Analysis Quality Test (RAQT) of the Society for Risk Analysis. The RAQT arose from the experience of diverse risk practitioners with pitfalls and shortcomings of risk analyses as applied to decision making. RAQT includes a comprehensive battery of 76 ‘experienced-pitfall-based’ questions. The tool can be used to generate a report that can be shared with colleagues, critics, and external reviewers. Reports generated from the RAQT beta testing are offered for deliberation and reflection, consistent with the goal of creating a culture of quality analysis, full disclosure, and detailed consideration of shortfalls as opportunities to improve risk analysis processes. The architects of the RAQT will introduce it to workshop participants. Two other SRA leaders will present a report from application of the tool to two historical microbial risk assessments and engage in deliberations with participants in light of 21st century risk science.